Thursday, December 13, 2007

CHAPTER 14: THE SIXTH SENSE: The Door to the Temple of Wisdom (the Thirteenth Step to Riches)

- This principle is the apex of the philosophy. It can be assimilated, understood, and applied ONLY by first mastering the other twelve principles.

- The SIXTH SENSE is that portion of the subconscious mind which has been referred to as the Creative Imagination. It has also been referred to as the "receiving set" through which ideas, plans, and thoughts flash into the mind.

- Understanding of the sixth sense comes only by meditation through mind development from within.

- My experience has taught me that the next best thing to being truly great, is to emulate the great, by feeling and action, as nearly as possible.

- Followed the habit of reshaping my own character, by trying to imitate the nine men whose lives and life-works had been most impressive to me.

- My purpose was to rebuild my own character so it would represent a composite of the characters of my imaginary counselors.

- Men have become what they are, because of their DOMINATING THOUGHTS AND DESIRES.

- Self-suggestion is a powerful factor in building character.

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