Thursday, December 13, 2007

CHAPTER 11: SEX TRANSMUTATION: The Mystery of Sex Transmutation (the Tenth Step to Riches)

- The emotion of sex has back of it the possibility of three constructive potentialities, they are:--
  1. The perpetuation of mankind.
  2. The maintenance of health, (as a therapeutic agency, it has no equal).
  3. The transformation of mediocrity into genius through transmutation.

- It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature.

- If it is not transmuted into some creative effort it will find a less worthy outlet.

- Men who have accumulated great fortunes and achieved outstanding recognition in literature, art, industry, architecture, and the professions, were motivated by the influence of a woman.

- The emotion of sex contains the secret of creative ability. Destroy the sex glands, whether in man or beast, and you have removed the major source of action.

  1. The desire for sex expression
  2. Love
  3. A burning desire for fame, power, or financial gain, MONEY
  4. Music
  5. Friendship between either those of the same sex, or those of the opposite sex.
  6. A Master Mind alliance based upon the harmony of two or more people who ally themselves for spiritual or temporal advancement
  7. Mutual suffering, such as that experienced by people who are persecuted
  8. Auto-suggestion
  9. Fear
  10. Narcotics and alcohol

- Majority of men lower themselves, through misunderstanding and misuse of this great force, to the status of the lower animals.

- The factor of personality known as "personal magnetism" is nothing more nor less than sex energy.

- People who lack sex energy will never become enthusiastic nor inspire others with enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is one of the most important requisites in salesmanship, no matter what one is selling.

- When the emotion of love begins to mix itself with the emotion of sex, the result is calmness of purpose, poise, accuracy of judgment, and balance.

- Love, Romance, and Sex are all emotions capable of driving men to heights of super achievement.

- Dismiss, also, the thought that love never comes but once.

- There should be no disappointment over love, and there would be none if people understood the difference between the emotions of love and sex.

- Love is, without question, life's greatest experience.

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